Finally…a single source for parents of youth golfers that simplifies the complexities of this expensive sport!

How to support your youth golfer so they enjoy the journey &

you experience the most reward and exhilaration!!!

You're in the right place if you:

- are the parent of a 7-14 year old youth golfer

- aren't sure where to start or go next

- are overwhelmed with navigating the complexities of this multi-program sport

An unexpected introduction to golf

Just a few years ago I was taking my son to school. We were driving past a golf course when my son asked, "Dad, can I start playing golf?"

To say I was surprised would be an understatement. With the exception of mini-golf I had never played golf. I didn't watch golf or talk about it and neither did any of our friends or family.

But here we were, my 7 year old first grader was hooked and he hadn't even swung a club yet.

LIttle did I know the complexity, confusion, and cost I was in for, or how awesome this journey would be!!!

Junior golf if a complex landscape

And so began the research on how to get my kid started in golf. It was overwhelming and I had so many questions.

How do I find the right clubs for a junior golfer that won't break the bank? How do I teach my youth golfer to play when I don't even know how to play.

Is it better to start with a program, private coaching, or just go to the driving range?

These were all simple enough questions but I did know the answers to any of them and these only scratched the surface.

Dissapointing your kid is the WORST

Isn't it just awful when you have to give up something you really love like trips to the coffee or the family beach vacation to support your kid's golf program?

I know that feeling too. I've been there.

And, I've seen the dissapointment in my son's eyes when I told him no because we just couldn't afford it this time.

What a soul crushing thing for the parent to see there kid down just because we didn't have enough money for something they really wanted to do and would have been such an amazing experience for them.

Asking for money, sponsorships & donations, is SCARY!

Have you ever thought, "Wouldn't it be awesome if Timmy or Janet could get a sponsor to help cover these costs?"

Well I have too, and I've felt the helplessness of not knowing how get sponsorships and fear of asking for money from complete strangers at random businesses.

The first time I asked for a sponsorship I was terriffied! It took every ounce of courage I had to march through the doors of the local bank and make my pitch.

And guess what - they said NO!!! I left not just defeated but crushed.

I figured out!!!

Through trial and error, and error, and error and a lot of mistakes I finally figured out how to get not just one, but several sponsorships.

I actually made my first attempt at that local bank over twenty years ago, long before I had kids and it was in a totally different sport. It was paintball of all things.

I worked my way up to landing $50,000 U.S. in a year through multiple sponsorship deals including cash and in-kind deals.

I learned what works, what doesn't, and what companies are really looking for when they are considering sponsoring atheletes.

Let me show you how!

I learned how to build relationships, get gear & checks and not have to give up the coffee shops and family vacations.

I have put together a blueprint that guides your through the process from understanding what companies are looking for, how to provide it, how to approach them, and what NOT to do.

I provide expert coaching calls where our community can ask questions and get answers from real sponsorships experts.

And, I've built a community where like minded, motivated parents can come together to get advice, bounce ideas and share their kids most exciting adventures and accomplishments!!!

You can do it too!

Let me be clear, securing sponsorships and donations takes effort. Joining the Sponsor Fun Community surrounds your with experts and peers that will help guide you, encourage you, and hold you accountable. It gives you 24/7 access to the blueprint that is your roadmap for success. The Sponsor Fun community can supercharge your efforts. However, only YOU can put in the effort that secures your success. Myself, the experts, and the community will be with you all the way but YOU have to make it happen.

Give a reason to buy right now



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